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S.T.E.A.M.ers                            Summer Camp

...creative & playful young minds

S.T.E.A.M. Education seeks to build 21st Century Learning Skills.
We make STEAM learning FUN for kids!

The best way to learn Science is through...

...Hands-on activites

Topics Include:


Rainforests of the World


Coral Reefs: Science and





Owl Pellets and Beyond




Create Art outside of the box through...

...Creative MakerSpace

Topics Include:


Makers Arts Activities


Confidence Voice


Speech & Debate


Common Core Based Reading & Writing


Engineer, Empower, & Imagine through...

...Playful Rigamajig

Topics Include:


Create with Imagination Playground


Play & Invent with Rigamajig


Makey Makey Projects


Global Cardboard Challenge


Robotics for Kids with Cubelets

Learn real-world Technology through...

...CS First with Google

Topics Include:




Fashion & Design






Game Design




Observe, strategize & execute Math through...

...Math Infinity

Topics Include:


Structured as a Heads-Up for the incoming grade level: CC Math







Critical Thinking




With all of the focus on testing and buzz words, do your students ever feel like they aren't really learning anything? What happened to those light-bulb moments? You know…the ones where they finally understood what they were being taught because they were doing something with it.


Meaningful learning experiences that actually engage our students are harder to find in our curriculums. And the emphasis on the product over the process is out of control.


Enter, S.T.E.A.M.

How will Berkeley incorporate STEAM into this year's Summer Camp?



Berkeley Academy uses kits and curriculums provided by California Academy of Sciences to provide engaging science activities for students K-6th grade. Our instructors have taken the associated workshops and training to be able to use these kits to the best of their abilities. We will use the kits in conjunction with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and pair them with visits to different museums.

S1 Rainforests of the World: Discovering Rainforest Locations, Amazon Water Cycle Role-play, Build a Borneo Glider, Rainforest Products & Conservation Island


S2 Coral Reefs Science and Conservation: A Close Look at Coral Skeletons, Build a Coral Polyp, Coral Polyp Reproduction-Build a Coral Colony, Where in the World Is Coral, Ecosystem of Coral Reefs, Fragile Coral Reef


S3 Skulls: Create a Map of Your Teeth, Herbivores, Omnivores & Carnivores, Chew, Bite, and Chomp, What Can Teeth Do?, Spot Danger & Track Prey, Plot Your Vision, Skull Detective


S4 Owl Pellets and Beyond: Owl Pellet Dissection, Use a Dichotomous Key, Outrun the Owl, Impacts of Natural & Human Activities on Animal Populations


S5 Astronomy: Martian Wanderings, Scoping Out Mars, How Far to Mars, Mars--What's Out There?, So You Want To Be a Rover Driver?



Every student- no matter how old- should have the opportunity to learn computer science. 

TK-2nd Coding For Fun


Course 1: By the end of this course, students create their very own custom game or story that they can share


Course 2: In this course students will create programs to solve problems and develop interactive games or stories they can share.


Course 3: By the end of this course, students create interactive stories and games they can share with anyone.


Course 4: By the time this Course is completed, students will be creating programs that let them showcase multiple skills, including for loops and functions with parameters.




Gr 3-5th Google CS First


S1 Storytelling: Students use computer science to tell fun and interactive stories. Storytelling emphasizes creativity by encouraging club members to tell a unique story each day.


S2 Fashion & Design: Students learn how computer science and technology are used in the fashion industry while building fashion-themed programs, like a fashion walk, a stylist tool, and a pattern maker.


S3 Arts: Students create animations, interactive artwork, photograph filters, and other exciting, artistic projects.


S4 Sports: Students use computer science to simulate extreme sports, make their own fitness gadget commercial, and create commentary for a big sporting event.


S5 Game Design: Students learn basic video game coding concepts by making different types of games, including racing, platform, launching, and more!


GR 6-8th Python & Java




What is Imagination Playground?


The Imagination Playground blocks provide open-ended and child-directed play. Move Imagination Play from Children Discovery Museum to Berkeley Academy. See what new worlds and environments you can create with Imagination Playground. The possibilities are endless using this collection of amazing blue blocks that comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.



What is Rigamajig?


Rigamajig is a new large-scale building kit designed for hands-on free play and playful STEAM learning. Rigamajig gives children the opportunity to learn through self-directed, hands-on experience.


Play Prompts


S1 Build a Rigamajig that can lift something


S2 Create a contraption that allows you to send a bucket from one place to another


S3 Make a contraption that incorporates a balloon in a useful way


S4 Create a structure that would allow you to live on a cloud


S5 Make a structure that incorporates an empty box



Art can take form in many ways. 

                            “Where science ends, art begins.” -Charles Nègre 

This year, our Summer Camp will combine Art + Design into the STEM program. We will start by combining literature with makers activities. Student's will become "makers" driven by their curiosity for learning and making new things. We will pair each Makers Project with a book, increasing with depth and complexity with each grade level.

Makers Art Projects


S1 "On Fire" Ceramic Spiral Mosaic


S2 Fanciful Fish Relief Sculpture


S3 Seed-Paper Sunflowers


S4 Crayola Crazy Crustaceans


S5 Under the Sea in 3-D: Art That Responds to 3-D Glasses



Hone in on your math skills for the upcoming year. Learn, practice, & master the fundamentals to get a head start and glide through the school year!



For incoming school year


K-2nd Math Infinity: Math Infinity aims to lay a solid foundation for mathematical and scientific study in the future, through 3-D figures, logical reasoning, patterns, correspondence, and 3-way visual modeling


Gr 3-6 Math Olympiad/ AMC 8 &10: Classes will be a mix of topics & Common Core fundamentals and math competition preparation


Gr 7-8 Geometry, Pre-Algebra & Algebra 1

Top 3 Reasons to Choose Us


For kids to Explore + Make + Share
The perfect combination of Academics & Fun
To discover & develop what they like to do

Imagination Playground

Create new world every day!


Save a trip to the museum. Come invent and create with us!


S1 Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley Campus


S2 NO Fieldtrip


S3 California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco


S4 Computer History Museum, Mountain View


S5 Water Park, Fremont


*fieldtrips are subject to change, We are in the process of arranging an Apple Camp fieldtrip



  • Competitive Speech & Debate for Elementary & Middle School


  • Confidence Voice for TK-G2


  • Common Core Reading & Writing


Pricing & Fees

Sign up for Full Day Camp, Half Day Camp or Single Classes


Session Dates

Session 1: 6/19-6/30, Fieldtrip 6/23

Session 2: 7/3-7/14, NO Fieldtrip & NO Class 7/4   ($100 off for S2)

Session 3: 7/17-7/28, Fieldtrip 7/21

Session 4: 7/31-8/11, Fieldtrip 8/4

Session 5: 8/14-8/25, Fieldtrip 8/18


Camp Hours

Full Day 8:00-6:30PM

AM Camp 8:00-1:00PM

PM Camp 1:00-6:30PM


Discounts, FULL DAY Camp Only:

Early Bird

$100 OFF, Sign up before 4/30

$50 OFF, Sign up before 5/16

$20 OFF, Sign up before 5/31


$50 OFF Sibling Discount (FULL DAY only)

$50 OFF Olive/Berkeley Academy Afterschool Students (FULL DAY only)

$20 Multiple Sessions, Same Program per 2nd session

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